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College of Fine & Applied Arts
CompareThis major centers on answering the question, “Why do products look the way they do?” As an Industrial Design student, you’ll create products, interfaces, and experiences that meet people’s needs. You'll have the opportunity to design a range of items, from toys, sports, and houseware to medical or pet products. Through your coursework, you’ll get involved with debates, theories, and histories of industrial design. You'll also experience the importance of personal discovery and problem-solving through experiential assignments. You must submit a portfolio before being accepted into this program.
88% employed or continuing education
77% employed after graduation
11% attending graduate school
$82,063 average starting annual income
Sample employer destinations: Insufficient survey data is available for sample employer destinations.
Sample grad school destinations: Insufficient survey data is available for sample grad school destinations.
Strong talent review (audition or portfolio)
4.4 years to degree
95% first-year retention rate
63% four-year graduation rate
77% six-year graduation rate